Co-owner of Santa Rosa’s Willowside Meants wins North Bay Forty Under 40 award

Christopher Peterson



Willowside Meats LLC

3421 Guerneville Road, Santa Rosa 95401


Read other profiles of North Bay Business Journal’s 2021 Forty Under 40 Awards winners.

Responsibilities with your company: As the owner of Willowside Meats LLC, I bring 21 years of experience in the industry and have been working in this industry since I was 16 years old.

I hold the state license for the facility, oversee product development, formulation approval, oversee the day to day operation and production on our custom cut and warp and retail facility. Responsible for marketing and all financial aspects of the business.

How do you exemplify the spirit of being a top Forty under 40 professional?

I'm a young, passionate entrepreneur, who has been at the forefront of the farm to table movement, supporting and elevating our community's strong agricultural sector.

Years with company: 2

Length of time in current position: 2

Number of companywide employees: 15

Number who report to you: 15

Greatest professional accomplishment: Being in the position to purchase my own company, which has given me the ability to give back to the people in need in my community.

Greatest professional challenge: To remain open throughout the coronavirus pandemic in which we needed to quickly change and adapt to maintain safety of our employees and customers while continuing to provide essential services to the community.

Best advice received: One of my high school teachers told me that a 4 year college degree is not the only path to success. That pursuing a trade could pave a path just as successful. I'm forever grateful for his guidance.

Single most important event in your professional life in the last 12 months: Developing innovative, California state award winning products including Grand Champion award for fresh sausage, and champion awards for smoked bacon and smoked summer sausage.

What’s the biggest change COVID-19, the restrictions and the economic impact has had on your work and personal life?

COVID had a dramatic impact on the meat industry. A majority of markets and retailers increased their prices to account for inflation rates in the large sector meat industry in order to maintain profit margins.

I, on the other hand, maintained relatively stable prices for products. This increased my customer volume because I provided an opportunity to continue to purchase high quality products at affordable fair market value.

At most times, I broke even. I was content knowing that while others were out of work and struggling to provide for their families, I was fortunate to be able to keep my doors open and continue to support my employees, their families, and my community.

The biggest impact for my family and personal life was that with my doors staying open at Willowside Meats, and my wife's role in the medical field along with being pregnant and having another young son who is three years old.

We found ourselves challenged with providing essential services to our communities while also trying to ensure the safety and well being of our growing family in the midst of so much uncertainty with COVID.

And what’s the biggest lesson you’ve taken from that experience?

The importance of upholding and maintaining ethical principles. Being a stand up person and one the community can rely is more beneficial in the long term both personally and professionally.

What steps is your company taking to sustain your organization and morale in the current economy? Providing all the benefits that we can for our employees, increasing employee pay to show their appreciation for continuing to work throughout the pandemic, providing more flexible work schedules when possible.

Next professional goal: Developing a USDA facility to produce smoked meats and jerky to distribute throughout the state.

Education: High school diploma

Hometown: Rohnert Park

Community/nonprofit activities: Local high school demonstrations for processing animals 4-H group seminars; cutting seminar; organizing a Christmas Ham give a way to 40 local families in need withThe Bull radio station; providing cooked turkeys to local nonprofit women's shelter for Thanksgiving

Mentor/admired businessperson: Bud Gamba

What is your most disliked industry buzzword?


Typical day at the office: 4:30 a.m. start time feeding livestock on the farm, start at the shop at 5:30 a.m. Start processing the farm to table custom product and setting up the day for the team.

Spend some time on product development. Juggling back and forth between production, retail, and back office logistics.

Consult with customers on questions. Wrap up at the shop around 5:30. Home and feeding animals by 6pm and spend the evening with family.

In a business sense, what is the greatest thing about being under 40; and then what is the worst?

Best: Being in physical shape to keep up with the demands of the job.

Worst: Trying to run a business and balance the time and devotion to your wide and two young children

Best place to work outside of your office: Watching the sunrise while I feed my animals on the ranch.

Hobbies: Hunting, fishing, spearfishing, horseback riding, sports.

What you wanted to be when you grew up: Underwater welder

#1 thing you want to accomplish by the time you turn 40: Developing and owning a USDA facility

First job: Car washer

Social media you most use: None

Favorite book: I don't have one

Favorite movie: “3:10 to Yuma”

Favorite App: Pinterest

Favorite after-work drink: Crown and Coke

Last vacation: Lake Tahoe

What does your mom or dad brag most about you?

My work ethic

Christopher Peterson



Willowside Meats LLC

3421 Guerneville Road, Santa Rosa 95401


Read other profiles of North Bay Business Journal’s 2021 Forty Under 40 Awards winners.

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