Principal of Sonoma County’s ZFA Structural Engineers wins North Bay Forty Under 40 award

Luke Wilson


ZFA Structural Engineers

Santa Rosa

Age: 39

Read more profiles of this year's Forty Under 40 winners here:

With the milestone of turning 40 just around the corner, Wilson reflected on what his career and family has meant so far.

“I am happy to say that I have accomplished many of the goals I had hoped: becoming a father, becoming a principal in my company, and enjoying going to work every day. There is still much more to accomplish, however, so I welcome the next decade and all it has in store for me,” he says.

That career path in particular has been important since he joined ZFA.

“I started here after graduating college and have contributed to the growth of the company from a group of 35 people to nearly 85.”

He’s also clear eyed about the challenges ahead.

“There’s been lots of challenges along the way, whether it be a challenging project, challenging client, or having to learn a new skill. Ultimately, I’ve learned there is no shortcut and the only way through a challenge is to move forward one step at a time. I may not end up where I would have guessed at the beginning but it’s all a lesson learned and contributes to who I am today. “

In a business sense, what is the greatest thing about being under 40; and then what is the worst?

The greatest thing has been the wide range of opportunities to grow professionally. I went to school for engineering but have had the opportunity to learn what it means to run a business and have been given the freedom to figure out what that means to me.

“One difficulty of being younger is garnering respect and projecting a reassuring and experienced persona to a client when you’re the youngest one in the room.”

Luke Wilson


ZFA Structural Engineers

Santa Rosa

Age: 39

Read more profiles of this year's Forty Under 40 winners here:

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