Coulombe of Santa Rosa’s Pacific Expeditors wins Forty Under 40 award

Notable Quote: “Currently, the economy at large is favorable. We are preparing reserves and strategies to mitigate the impact of the next phase of economic ?super cycle.”

Other things about me...

Greatest professional challenge:

Growing and leading two young organizations operating in a burgeoning and evolving regulatory landscape while helping legislators and regulators better understand the industry they are shaping. And, concurrently developing strategies for businesses to increase competitiveness and long-term viability in a market with yet to be resolved legal complexities.

Next professional goal:

Build a world-class organization that provides unparalleled services, superb compensation, benefits, and growth opportunities for our team, and strengthens local enterprises through business leadership.

In 25 words or less, how do you exemplify the spirit of being a top Forty under 40 professional?

I have spent my adult life pursuing challenges that force me to grow, seeking self-improvement. All in the quest to better develop my ability to help others achieve their highest potential and always finding ways to give back to the community that built me.

Quick Takes

#1 thing you want to accomplish by the time you turn 40

Having a family

First job:

Bus washer at Airport Express

Social media you most use:

Technically Facebook

Favorite book:

“The Book of Five Rings,” by Miyamoto Musashi

What does your mom or dad brag most about you?

Loyalty to friends and the amount of detail that I can remember.

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